WNC Drop-In Sessions
These are currently on hold.
We will continue to host West Northants Council drop-in sessions this year. West Northants Council advisers will come in every two months on a Tuesday morning at 10.30am, for members of the public to ask anything or raise any issues. When they resume they will cover anything you would ordinarily ring the council for including highways, transport, school admissions, council tax, etc. See below. The advisors will deal with most things there and then or advise of next steps for people if they cannot help.
National Gardens Open Day REFRESHMENTS
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came along to the Library on Sunday 23rd June to enjoy our refreshments. These funds help us to keep going – thank you.
In 1950s London, a humorless bureaucrat decides to take time off work to experience life after receiving a grim diagnosis. Influenced by a local decadent and vibrant woman, he continues to search for meaning until a simple revelation gives him a purpose to create a legacy for the next generation.
A Man Called Otto ~ 24th October
Our October film brings the US adaptation of the wonderful book by Fredrik Backman and a remake of Sweden’s “A Man Called Ove”. Otto is a grump who’s given up on life following the loss of his wife and wants to end it all. Doors open at 7pm, film starts at 7.30pm.
HUGE THANKS to everyone who came along to Our Late Summer Fayre
We had a great afternoon and we hope you did too! If you have any ideas about what/how we should continue/change for next year please email info@buckbylibraryhub.org. Thank you!! Well done to our lucky Raffle Winners:
- 26 Pink ~ Linda N
- 332 Pink ~ Jeremy H
- 218 Green ~Molly H
- 648 Orange ~ Linda B
- 531 White ~ Brenda R
- 66 Green ~ Sue M
- 574 Orange ~ Judith L
- 716 White ~ Max B
Celebrating World Book Day
Thursday 2nd March 2023
We are celebrating World Book Day in the Library with Children’s activities during the day and the launch of our Children’s Reward Scheme! Read More!
We’re looking forward to some festive cheer here at Buckby Library & Hub
Join us for music and merriment
in December! Pick up your tickets from our Library or at The Peephole and enjoy a wonderful nights entertainment with a glass of mulled wine to warm your cockles!

September brings our latest Art Exhibition to LB&H: THE 2M’s
The 2 M’s showcase their lovely art in our exhibition space. Please see more below about who they are and their story.
CANCELLED – FOOD & FICTION ~ Chaucer to Dickens
Unfortunately the following event will no longer be taking place due to insufficient numbers. We hope the WEA will return at a later date.
What did Chaucer’s cook prepare in his medieval kitchen? Did Shakespeare live on ‘cakes and ale’? Why did the much-maligned wife of Charles Dickens publish a menu book under the name of ‘Lady Maria Clutterbuck’? Food has always been an important way of showing in literature how people lived, or revealing something about their characters.
Looking for something new for Spring?
Why not come along to our next WEA event? We are hosting a Multi Media Collage demo on March 23rd…… this will be an interactive event with the tutor online. To BOOK please see below and please make sure you quote the code C2349097 to book.
Stories and Rhymes
Thursdays 10.30am – 11am, throughout the year
For children under 5 and their parents or carers – £1 donation per family please.