Neurodiversity Self Help Group

Please note that the weekly meetings usually held at 7.30 pm on Thursday evenings in Buckby Library & Hub will not be happening during the winter months but they will resume in Spring 2025. Please look out for new information next year.

However, the Whatsapp group will continue so if you, or a family member, have been diagnosed with a neurodiverse condition, or feel that you/they have signs of neurodiversity, such as Autism, ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, or Gender identity concerns, and would like support and friendship, please get in touch. For further information, please contact Bridget on 07724 205301.

LB Parish Council Monthly Surgery


Is there anything you would like to raise with your Parish Council? Please come along to Buckby Library & Hub on the last Saturday of each month, 10am to 11am, to meet representatives.

Stay & Play

Why not come along to our stay and play sessions every Friday of term time 2.15 – 3pm. This is a FREE drop in session for parents and carers with children under 5. An opportunity for young children to play with a variety of resources, socialise with others and share experiences to support their learning and development.  Low cost tea, coffee, squash and cake available.   LOOK!!

Film Nights

Our Library Film Nights Are Back!!

Films start at 7.30pm ~ Doors open at 7.00pm ~ Tickets  £7.00 ~ Refreshments Available on arrival and during the interval.

Purchase tickets from the Library or at the Peephole. Click on the links below to learn more.

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Plant Sales

Every two weeks during Spring and Summer Will and Susie Mitchell will be setting up their plant stall outside Buckby Library & Hub on a Thursday morning from 10am to 12pm, weather permitting. Do come along to see the amazing array and help support the library.

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Art Exhibitions

We are delighted to host a rolling programme of exhibitions in our refreshments area for local artists.

We showcase an artist for one calendar month with the exhibition changing every two months. Please contact Bridget Arregger if you would be interested in having an exhibition. Read More….

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Books in the Afternoon

Our group meets on the first Wednesday of each month – 3.30pm to 5pm in the library or in the garden weather permitting. There is a small charge per meeting.

New members are welcome, please just come along!

Read More for the details of chosen books.

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Evening Book Group

Our group will now be meeting on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm to 9:00pm in the library or in the garden, weather permitting. For further information please contact Fiona White on 07941 634899.

There is a small charge per meeting. Periodically one of us does a book….

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Wellbeing Walks

Village Walks with Brenda

Would you like to get more active, meet new people, or find different village paths to explore? Join Brenda for Buckby Village walks – the perfect free exercise, and an opportunity to get back into walking with a friendly welcoming group.

10:30am normally the last FRIDAY of the month

A 90 minute walk usually over fields using the footpaths and bridleways, and which may include some stiles.


10am on alternate TUESDAYS

An easy paced amble on pavements and alleyways of the village, lasting about 40 minutes and intended for people new to walking.

All walks start from outside the library. Coffee, biscuits or even cake is available for a small charge there afterwards, giving more time for further chat! No booking required, just turn up on the day. Please check the library calendar for dates, or for more information contact Brenda Scoble, Village Walk Leader on 07799 073354 or

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