Summer Reading Challenge 2024

The Summer Reading Challenge encourages children to keep reading during the school summer holidays – and to choose anything they enjoy to read! It’s free to take part and children can sign up at the Library from 6th July and it runs throughout the school holidays. We will also be running a pre-school challenge for anyone under the age of 4. 

The Summer Reading Challenge is aimed at children from 4-11 years old. It supports this age group and their families by:  

  • Preparing children to get back to the classroom in the autumn.  
  • Supporting the move into a new year group or key stage.  
  • Boosting children’s confidence and self-esteem by supporting independent reading. 
  • Providing free access to books and fun family activities during the summer.

Your child will set a reading goal, choose anything they like to read, and collect special stickers and rewards for their reading. Anyone who completes the challenge will be awarded with a special certificate and medal.